Scientific name: Asio flammeus.
Family: Strigidae.
Length: 16 inchs.
Habitat: grasslands, dunes and swamp.
Distribution: Much of North America and South Africa, northern Africa.
ID: mottled brown, with four striking bars in the queue, (((ears))) small and yellow eyes surrounded by a black.
The Short-eared Owl has about (((ears))) very small in the head.
Its appearance is similar to that of the owl guy, but the owl is something larger and have longer wings and thin. In addition, the rustic hunting owl often in broad daylight, flying low over moorland and fen in search of mice, moles, lemmings, birds and amphibians. usually hunt in flight but can also scan their prey inn. During the breeding season nest in a depression in the ground covered with grass, normally sheltered from heather, reeds and grasses. The female lays between four and six eggs that incubate for four weeks and the male is responsible for alementar during that time. The young leave the nest after two weeks of birth but not lifted until the flight 14 days later.

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