Scientific name: Phoenicopterus ruber
Family: Phoenicopteridae.
Length: 145 cm.
Habitat: lakes, lagoons and coastal marshes.
Distribution: areas of Africa, southern Europe and Asia. The Caribbean, Mexico and the Galapagos Islands are known as flamingos and some American experts concideran a species.
ID: Ave aquatic very high and slender, very long neck and legs, pinkish plumage. Beak curved and finished in black.
The flamingo is one of the birds unmistakable at first sight for their physiognomy and striking color, and its bizarre peak. This, in short and straight youth, is bent on adults to host several rows of thin plates or lamellae that allow the birds get their food, seaweed and tiny invertebrates, by filtering the water with peak movements forward and back, as a sieve. It is a very sociable species, breeding colonies form bustling adults and establish lasting ties. They build nests of mud, shaped crater, where the female lays a single egg that both parents incubate for a month. The young have a gray down, but after the spring moves take on a tone brown before they appear on adult plumage.
Birds Watching


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