Scientific name: Aquilar chrysaetos.
Family: Accipitridae.
Length: 75-95 cm. Male smaller than the female.
Habitat: mountainous and forested, or open and hilly.
Distribution: Much of North America, Europe, North Africa and Asia.
ID: eagle very large, dark brown plumage with light brown or yellowish around the head and back. yellow beak and claws with black edges.
The Golden Eagle, a rapacious big and powerful, often hunt in rugged and remote areas, which demonstrates their skills portent in flight falls sharply up to 320 km / h. Also hunting at ground level in the same way as the harrier. His basic diet consists of small mammals and reptiles, especially rodents and rabbits, but is capable of capturing large dams. Descriptions of attacks on livestock are largely exaggerated, and golden eagles that have been seen devours animals probably already dead from other causes. Often raising since the beginning of spring until late summer; couples establishing ties for life and reused nests, which are in high places, in rocks or trees that dominate the landscape. The female incubated almost all the time putting in two to four eggs, for 40 days. The male belongs near the nest and provides a livelihood for the family. The chicks leave to parents after four months of nacer.y topped in black.
Birds Watching

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