Scientific name: Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Family: AccipĂtridos
Length: 75-105 cm. Male smaller than the female.
Habitat: nearby rivers, lakes and coasts
Distribution: Much of North America to Mexico, but absent in some subarctic regions. Divagante in Russia and northern Europe.
ID: large, unmistakable in appearance, with brown plumage almost everywhere in the body and head, neck and tail whites. Beak and yellow claws.
The American bald eagle, the national emblem of the United States, is present in almost the entire North American continent, but more plentiful in the northern latitudes of Alaska and Canada, where their habitat has suffered less alteration of the hand of man. To inhabit very diverse environments, and in more northern populations tend to migrate in winter from freezing tundra to Mexico. He rarely leaves the water, because their diet consists of fish and other aquatic animals, mainly large fish such as salmon, but can kill anátidas the size of a goose and also catch rodents, rabbits and baby otter. besides hunter not despises carrion and also harassed raptors such as the osprey to snatch their presas.Las couples often use the same nest each year and end up creating a huge structure. Both parents incubated the placing of one to three eggs, for six weeks, and also share the care of offspring.
Birds Watching

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