Scientific name: Phalaenoptilus nuttallii.
Family: Caprimulgidae.
Length: 8 inchs.
Habitat: Scrub arid, desert and forest scattered.
Distribution: Western United States. Winters in Mexico.
ID: Small Náttfari, gray and brown feathers and speckled with white spots on the wings of the same color collar and whiskers in its beak.
The Common Poorwill is the smallest member of the family found in North America, and is unique in its ability to overwinter. During periods of shortage in winter looking for a warm place, such as a crevice between rocks, where it enters a state of lethargy, slow breathing and heart rate, and lowers the body temperature from 40 º C. You can remain so for several days or weeks until conditions are more favorable. During the warmer months passed much of the day resting on the floor and just hike the flight to catch flying insects. They also nest in the soil around the month of June, and put two eggs on the ground.

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