Among the Hummingbirds (Family Trochilidae) are
the smallest birds in the world. Some are the size of small birds like canaries;
some are even smaller than the birds. The variety of colors in these little
birds, and its brilliance, is unique among birds.
Besides its
small size and beautiful colors are distinguished by how fast they move their
wings so rapidly that they often do not see. And they can fly in all
directions, forwards and other birds, or backward, or up, or down, or where
they want to go, to make matters worse, you can keep the air in one place, do
something like helicopters.
Hummingbirds feed on nectar, which obtained by introducing
their long beaks into the flowers. All are endemic to the Americas. The species
are more varied and numerous in the tropics but can be found from Alaska to
Tierra del Fuego.